What is Cycloid Vibration Therapy?

Cycloid Vibration Therapy (CVT) is a safe and easy treatment used on soft tissue injuries, sore muscles, and joints. The vibrations stimulate the musculoskeletal system increasing circulation and flexibility.

The premise of CVT is that the rapid vibrations from the apparatus cause the muscles to react by contracting, essentially providing a form of exercise. The vibrations give a gentle deep tissue massage.

Benefits of Cycloid Vibration Therapy

  • Performance Improvement

  • Helps to prevent injury by increasing circulation to the soft tissue areas before and after exercise.

  • Reduces muscle soreness post-exercise,

  • Increases in joint flexibility

  • Human studies have shown an increase in bone density

Fun Fact! NASA uses vibration therapy to prevent bone loss in astronauts!

Horse receiving Cycloid Vibration Therapy

Enzo loves his CVT treatments! Photo by Susan Dickinson

The Research

This therapy was first studied in humans in 1867 however equine studies are more recent.

In 2018 Russell Mackechnie-Guire published a study in the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science that showed significant positive changes in locomotion and thoracolumbar epaxial musculature dimensions. “…the results of the present study support the hypothesis that vibration therapy when applied to the mid-thoracic vertebral segments and hindquarters has an effect on equine locomotion”.

Types of Cycloid Vibration Therapy

Whole Body

In the case of whole-body vibration (WBV) the horse stands on a platform that can be regulated for different intensities in vibrations. These vibrations can impact the hooves, legs, and rib cage to improve overall circulation, increase muscle strength, and relieve muscle soreness. The Mackechnie-Guire suggested a positive relationship between CVT and posture.


Local vibration (LV) involves placing a specialized unit on the horse’s body and adjusting the controls. The Mackenchie-Guire study cited above used an Equissage.

Cycloidal vibrations are soothing and relaxing. CVT also works well in warming up the horse before the competition and helping to recover afterward. The vibrations radiate throughout the horse’s body.

This is the device we use at Cork N Mane.

Niagra Equissage

Niagara Equissage delivers powerful cycloidal (three-way) vibrations to the whole body. We love the Equissage Pulse because it works so well in relaxing the horse and pairs well with Equine Kinesiology taping. It’s great for horses with injuries that are in need of rehabilitation.

It uses multi-directional energy waves moving north/south, east/west, while also rotating on a constant basis. This alleviates any side effects. We can also use thermal imaging to see the exact problems and results of the CVT.

Equissage also ran clinical trials on racehorses which showed an increased stride and workload reduction.

Susan is available for animal bodywork treatments. Cork N Mane is also an affiliate dealer for Niagara Equissage for those of you who are interested in purchasing one for your stable.

horse receiving Niagara Equissage

Susan giving a treatment to Toots with our Niagara Equissage.

Take Away

We are very excited about the endless applications of cycloid vibration therapy. While we talked about horses in this article, research has been done on cattle, dogs, and even penguins!!

Author, Ame Vanorio, mother to rescue horse, Rocket, does our media and blog.


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